Do you know ALICE?
Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed
What is ALICE?
It's a metric that represents the number of households in a specific geographic area that earns more than the Federal Poverty Level but less than the basic cost of living for the county - also known as the ALICE Threshold.
Individuals and families that identify as ALICE are employed, occasionally working multiple jobs or in essential positions, but are unable to achieve or maintain financial stability due to the rising costs of living and stagnating wages.
What is the ALICE Threshold?
Derived from the Household Survival Budget, this is the average income that a household needs to afford housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, and a smartphone plan, plus taxes. It is calculated for various household types for every U.S. state and county.
County Snapshots
The ALICE reports for Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington counties look very different in the 2023 ALICE Report.
You can see the changes by clicking the links below to see the snapshots for each county. Compare our counties with the rest of the state.
Washington County ALICE Snapshot
State of Florida ALICE Snapshot
ALICE Report
You can browse the ALICE Report online at United For ALICE. Here you will find more details and be able to look at numbers for more concentrated areas, like by zip code.
The ALICE population is not new, but the ALICE Report documents for the first time - in some startling ways – their struggles. The ALICE Report is an important tool for us all to consider as we define ourselves, our businesses, and our economy. YOU can share the ALICE Report and start talking about what this means for our community and future. Use the hashtag #MeetALICE and share the report.
Opportunities exist to help ALICE become more stable yet many people do not access them because of insufficient or incorrect information. Share what you know about ALICE and United Way’s work in Education, Income and Financial Stability. Contact United Way’s 2-1-1 to find already existing programs and services. Help us seek out new solutions for lasting change.